Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Sub notes

I found these comments from my sub yesterday :

First block - Great

Third block - Superb

Fourth block - Poor, poor Mr. Reynolds


Me said...

Wow - you've got a class like this too!

TeacherScribe said...

You know it's really funny how each class takes on a personality all its own. This class might be quite different if it were offered first block instead of fourth. Kids just seem drained after 255 minutes of class or so.

And - to be fair - I have two college in the high school classes that are among the best I've ever had. So any other class is going to pale compared to those.

But that fourth block class just isn't motivated very much. And it's too bad because they're are some really interesting kids in there, and if they were more motivated, they could really bring some cool things to the discussions and readings.

This is a great example of why standardized curriculum is a joke. My first two classes would blow the doors of that stuff, but this last class would just eat it and grin.

Me said...

Yep - so true -

as part of standardized testing - I have to review the next few weeks -
we've been looking at analogies and reading short pieces with multiple choice options- grrrr...

I try to point out that the short pieces can be interesting if you set your mind to - oh what can I learn about this topic? (for example making maple syrup) Knowing more is always better - it gives the kids some background knowledge on life - of course it's not my style to just have kids read and then answer multiple choice questions - but now, my days are spent teaching to the test- is this tickin' kids off - yup - should it? yup!

I had to laugh yesterday as one kid called out

"Another lame worksheet from Mrs. Aakhus"

Nice - cuz I get the brunt of the blame.

"We've done analogies since first grade - lame"

yeah - thanks kid -

So the kids are doing antonym analogies, and of course, some of the kids are confused on them and need help -

One kid announces "This is so dumb -it's for first graders" I am so trying to not explode -

I said - "Did you know that announcing that is really making you look arrogant? Not everything in here is easy for every body."

I love how a five minute reminder worksheet causes so much outrage.