Sunday, February 28, 2010

Playing outside

At Small World, they take the kids outside whenever possible. Kenzie just loves it. So much so that on Friday night she saw KoKo and her buddy, Rachel, having a snowball fight with another friend, Ethan.

Kenzie wanted out in the worst way. So we bundled her up and I took her out. She loved every second of it . . . until it came time to come in. Then she threw a fit.

Today, since it was so nice out, Kenzie and I walked to get the mail, took a walk around the neighborhood, played with the dogs and a soccer ball she spotted in the back of the garage. Again, she loved every minute of it (even pulling off her mittens so she could get a better grip on the soccer ball). But when we came in, she threw a fit.

Can't wait until that first great day of spring when you can wear shorts and a t-shirt without shivering. Hopefully, that day will come in May and not July like last summer.

It's a big world out there.

A really big world.

Playing with Kozy.

Trying to get those mittens back on.

Joker doesn't like to fetch the same way Kozy does.

Those are a bit big for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is such a little goofball--what a bundle of joy she is!!!