Thursday, May 20, 2010

Elementary Graduations????

I kid you not: I have two students who are going to be gone from class tomorrow so they can attend their siblings’ graduation from Challenger.

Not to belittle the accomplishment, but a graduation ceremony from elementary school?


Maybe there’s more to it than that, but doesn’t this seem a bit absurd?

What’s next? A celebration at the end of every quarter? At the end of every day? At the end of every block?

This seems as absurd to me as elaborate sweet sixteen birthday parties (and certainly as absurd as MTV basing a show on such a ridiculous thing), acting like idiots at elementary school sporting activities, and parents freaking out over the one missing assignment their child has (despite them having an A in class and having every other assignment turned in).

Not that my mother wouldn’t have attended such a thing. She surely would have (though I doubt other than me, any of my siblings would have made it that far! Just kidding Barb). But good old J.A. Hughes never had such a thing . . . at least back then.

Now, the question that begs to be answered is will I attend Kenzie’s graduation from Challenger in 9 years?


The Escapist said...

Johanna (Mattson) invited me to her preschool graduation when I was babysitting her last night. She proceeded to sing me songs that her class will sing on a stage in front of all the parents. While this was adorable, and I wouldn't not go to my own child's (if I had one), I still think it's a bit silly. It's preschool. What are they celebrating, moving up to full days of school? What a thing to celebrate.

Me said...

You will because you don't want her to be the only kid there without a parent.

I say this with no irony.

Parental Peer Pressure.

I'm sure Franklin has a Middle School Graduation too!

edk said...

Of course you will attend. We're all saps when it comes to our children.

But this is a good thing. We SHOULD make a big deal of our children's scholastic achievements - graduating from high shcool or college are not the only important steps in educating our children.

That's like saying we shouldn't celebrate a child's first step because it is an absurd accomplishment - wait for the first mile or the walk across America. But really that first step was the accomplishment that made the rest possible.

Besides, Kurt, as proud as you are of that child, we all know "wild horses" couldn't keep you from her elementary graduation.

TeacherScribe said...

Very good points. And there are certainly worse things one can celebrate. I have ranted enough about the overemphasis put on athletics and extra curriculars, and here I'm questioning something that finally celebrates academics! Oh, the irony.

Thanks for the response.

Kristie said...

Yes, you will be there. You will be there early, jostling for position in the front row, camera and camcorder at the ready, and pictures and video posted on the next day's blog entry for all to see.

And think how happy those young graduates were to see their big brother or sister out in the audience. Think how ecstatic Kenzie would be to see Casey and KoKo there.

So quit being so cynical, you crabby old fart! Love you! :)

Big Sis said...

I remember Matt risked getting an "F" for the day in his English class when he chose to attend Ashley's Kindergarten graduation. His teacher thought those things were dumb and was quite vocal about it. The teacher opted to make those students who left to attend the graduation write an essay. Matt wrote about about the importance of family and ended it a line of something like, "So an F I'll take for my grade today to attend my baby sister's graduation day". (I think he actually got an A). Now THERE was a teachable moment! :-)

Wild horses wouldn't keep you away from Kenzie's first day at school... Kindergarten graduation.. 6th grade graduation.. and all that fun stuff!