Thursday, May 20, 2010

Curse you! You millennials!

This morning on the way to school my BlackBerry died.

It was already suffering from a shattered screen when I dropped it in the hallway a few weeks ago. Though it looked like hell, it still functioned quite well. I could email and text, surf the web, check out Facebook, use the calendar app, and use Pandora. Oh yeah, I think I talked on the thing once in awhile too.

But it suddenly went completely blank. I tried rebooting it by taking out the battery and restarting it. The screen would come back but I could only use the tacking ball to maneuver around the screen. I couldn't select anything or use the keypad.

I brought it to CellTech to have it looked at. They notified me that I had insurance. Wonderful, I thought, this will be perfect. But no . . . I have a 95 dollar deductible. So I've been paying five dollars a month for almost a year now in case the stupid thing breaks. When it finally does, I still have to pay close to a hundred bucks to get a replacement. What can a new BlackBerry cost? Two hundred? Factor in the $65 in insurance charges and the $95 deductible, and I'm at 160 bucks. So I've spent 65 to save 40? All in addition to an ungodly cell phone bill each month?

There was to be a better plan.

But I'm going to miss my BlackBerry. I never realized how much of a millennial I had become. I don't know how many questions from students when unanswered today. Sure they could stop by and ask, but, remember, they're millennials. That's tantamount to someone using a typewriter today. Well, there's a little hyperbole there, but still . . . I did a lot of work at that little sucker.

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