Thursday, May 20, 2010


After looking at this, it would seem to me that 'smartfilter' is most certainly an oxymoron.

Scroll down that blog post and look at ALL of the learning opportunities that students are locked out of - wikis, blogs, google docs, email . . . What is that school district teaching in the Dark Ages.

I read a great article a couple of months ago equating all those web 2.0 tools to pencils.

Students can get into trouble and access inappropriate things if their internet isn't filtered, critics cry. Well, this article responds with, the same is true for a pencil. A student can throw it and poke an eye out. They can write obscenities with it. They can shatter it and make a hell of a mess. They could use it as a weapon.

Despite all of those potential hazards and negatives, no one would ever refuse a student a pencil.

Yet, schools often do the exact thing with technology.

And it's frightening.

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