Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The joke that has been going around our new house since we moved in is that it is haunted.  Now I will freely admit that I'm a skeptic.  I know I shouldn't be given the vast number of Stephen King and Dean Koontz novels I've read over the years, but I am.

So when Austin mentioned hearing odd sounds down in the basement, I attributed it to a mouse or maybe the cats.  Then he decided to move upstairs after the lights in our laundry room kept turning themselves off and on.  I countered that there was a reasonable explanation: we have fluorescent lights.  When one get weak or goes out, the other light goes out as well.  It was that simple.

Still, Austin decided to sleep upstairs for a week or so (before us getting up with Cash every couple hours drove him back downstairs).

Last week KoKo chimed in with an odd tale.  One of the doors (not sure if that's the right word for them or not) to our living room fire place had come open just a bit.  Before she could shut it, it closed on its own.

I countered that again there had to be a simple explanation.  Was it the wind?  Did she imagine it?  Did she shut it and just forget it?  There had to be a reasonable explanation.

Everyone has heard odd noises in the house.  I attribute this to the two exhaust fans we have on the roof.  With as much as the wind blows in northern MN, those things get the hell beat out of them.  Yes, it sounds sometimes like someone is in our bedroom bathroom upstairs when I am the only one at home, but - again - there has to be some logical explanation.

Well, all that has been called into question after this morning.

I woke up first and showered and then took Cash downstairs.  Kristie was up next and got ready for work.  KoKo was up last and a bit groggy as she took care of both Cash and Kenzie as I took care of the cats and got ready to head to work.

As she was upstairs rocking Cash, I realized that I had to grab something out of the dryer downstairs (it's that blasted laundry room I tell you!).  As I went downstairs, I heard the water running.  The toilet downstairs has an old corky flapper and leaks sometimes so that the toilet will run and run and run. 

That was what I thought was the problem.  Then I turned to enter the bathroom.

The light was on and the hot water was turned on full blast.  And the drain to the sink was shut.  The sink was rapidly filling with water.

I thought that maybe while I had been getting ready, KoKo maybe was downstairs washing up and heard Cash crying and forgot the water on as she ran up to take care of him.

I shut the water off, rather mad at KoKo.  Had I not come down, the water would have overflowed and poured all over the basement bathroom for who knows how long.  Maybe all day!

Not wanting to disturb her trying to get Cash to sleep, I sent her a text asking her why she left the water running.

She responded that she had not!

I was the only one to use the bathroom that morning as I poured the cats some water in their bowl.  But I used cold water and never turned the hot water on . . . let alone put the drain down!

Could Kenzie have done it?  She is wily, but for her to go down into the basement and do that - of all things - doesn't seem likely.

So maybe there is a presence down there after all!

1 comment:

Me said...

Tell the "ghost" he or she is not welcome. :) and to go to the light.