Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More Phylis Insanity

I was intrigued when I heard on Schlafly's podcast that the NEA supports same-sex marriage.  I dug around on her blog and found this.

According to Schlafly, the insidious NEA has an "action plan" advocating same sex-marraige.  The problem is that Schlafly states that this action can be found under "New Action Item E."  And she conveniently includes a link to the NEA document.

I clicked on the link eager to see what I would find.  Well, I saw nothing advocating same-sex marriage.  In fact, there is not even an Action Item E!

So we can draw two conclusions.  Either, Phylis is lying to push her extreme right wing propaganda or the NEA altered their document to exclude Action Item E, which is illegal.

Perhaps, Schlafly didn't like these items that were listed by the NEA

New Business Item 43
Referred to the Appropriate Committee As Modified
The NEA will contact the American College of Nurse-Midwives in order to establish a cooperative and mutually supportive relationship. This relationship will support healthy birth outcomes in all communities, and especially in low-income communities. The main goal of this relationship will be to help lower the incidence of premature birth, low birth weight, the overuse of C-Sections, and maternal and infant death. Further, the NEA will educate our members through NEA Publications on how low birth weight rates effect child development.

Supporting healthy birth outcomes!  How dare that liberal union support such a horrible idea!

New Business Item 78
Adopted As Modified
NEA will continue its outreach efforts to the Association's one million Republican members with the goal of advancing a pro-public education agenda within the Republican Party. Specifically, NEA will convene an annual conference for NEA Republican leaders from across the country to provide training and build grassroots organizing skills. NEA will produce updated materials to assist Republican members in taking leadership roles in their local and state Republican Party and influencing Party policy positions and elected officials. NEA staff will provide training for Republican leaders at NEA regional conferences and other appropriate Association meetings.

 Even reaching out to Republicans.  Bipartisanship.  Unheard of and blaspheme.  No wonder Phylis is so angry.

New Business Item 13
Adopted As Amended
The National Education Association President or his/her designee shall lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery during American Education Week.

Honoring veterans.  How dare a liberal organization do such a thing.  Everyone knows no liberal every fought in a war.

Adopted as Amended
Scholarly academic research should not be dismissed or diminished simply because it contradicts a school board member's political or religious views. American history should not be rewritten simply because some of our history reflects poorly on our national character or how we would like to view ourselves. English language arts and mathematics instruction should not be subjected to the pendulum swings of competing philosophies that are not grounded in pedagogical research, and science standards should be determined based on science.

Furthermore, the curriculum taught to millions of children nationwide should not be held hostage to the ideological whims of political extremists. It is especially detrimental to education when politically and ideologically motivated decision-making influences the content included or excluded by textbook publishers, whose products reach far beyond the state(s) in which such decisions are made.

I would like to think that last part angered Schlafly and her followers as they are the very definition of "political extremists."

Again, read the document yourself and see that there is neither an item E or any mention of advocating same-sex marriage.

Get your facts straight Phylis. 

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