Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Web blocker

I have made it a bit of a game to rant at the web blocker.  Our district's web blocker allows you to try and justify why a site should be unblocked.  For the first few months I took a rational approach, carefully outlining and justifying why sites like slideshare or scribd or blogger should be unblocked.

For the most part my pleas fell upon deaf ears.  So now when I see that damned web blocker logo come up telling me "Access Denied," I still choose to submit a review to Lightspeed Systems Content Filter.  However, now I really vent.

Here is my latest vent -

"I hate your nefarious web blocker.  It is a complete impediment to learning.  How can you sleep at night knowing you deprive kids of knowledge?  I'd rather be a telemarketer than do what you do to kids."

And all I wanted to do was watch the president of Bard college, Leon Botstein, discuss education policy and sustainability.  But, of course, youtube is blocked!  As are all the other sites that host videos!

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