Monday, March 04, 2019

Teaching Thought #114

Teacherscribe's Teaching Thought #114

Use Edpuzzle.

I’m stealing this hack from James Alan Sturtevant, a high school history teacher.  Here is his website where he posts his work and thoughts on teaching.

Kelsey Johnson strongly recommended this when I stopped by the media center to grab some summer readings from our professional development library. 

Hack 74 - Solve a puzzle with Edpuzzle.

If you have flipped your class, you might find kids halfheartedly going through the lessons at home.  Sturtevant uses Edpuzzle to make sure that students watch his videos and then complete a short assignment around his video.  I think this works much like one of my favorite sites, TED Ed.

But the real value of this hack is that Sturtevant introduced me to Jennifer Gonazel's downloadable book, The Teacher's Guide to Tech.  This might just be the best $25 I spend all summer.

This tool would also be great not just for ensuring students view your flipped videos, but I think it'd be an ideal tool for days when you're absent.  Just send the link and students can spend the block watching your video and answering questions on the material you cover.

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