Saturday, July 10, 2010

What I Get Roped Into!

While on the way back from Boston a former teacher of mine asked me if I'd be interested in helping with the all school reunion in RLF. She specifically asked if I'd be able to help with putting a video together.

I said sure.

Then a letter arrived the other day putting me in charge of the whole program! The teacher had everything planned out for the production. Apparently, I just have to put it all together!

I don't know if that's going to happen. I know my former teacher is swamped, but who isn't?

I have summer school starting in a week. We have been working on or around our house the entire summer. I have a lesson plan, journal, and 10 page paper to complete after the Atlanta trip. And then there's just being a parent to little old Kenzie, which is a full time job!

Now this.

Actually, I'm looking forward to putting the video together. I'm enlisting KoKo to help. She loves to scan pictures and put scrap books together, so she and I will get to work on sifting through old annuals next week and see what we come up with.

If anyone has old pics to share, scan them and email them to me and we will sure use them!

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