Saturday, July 10, 2010

Apple Sauce

A few days ago Kristie opened a jar of apple sauce.

"I want it," Kenzie declared, even though she tried it once and quickly stated, "I don't like it!"

Apparently, her 20 month old memory didn't quite remember that episode.

We tried several times to explain to her that she didn't like.

That didn't matter.

"I want it!" "I want it!" "I want it!"

She went so far as to go to the pantry, open the doors, take out the remaining little snack jars and declare - you guessed it - "I want it!"

Initially, I was set against giving her any. Better to teach her a lesson. But after about 20 chants of "I want it!" and then tears, I grabbed a jar, opened it, and set it in front of Kenzie at the table.

"Spoon, Daddy!" she declared - never satisfied!

So I brought her a spoon. Then I peeled open the jar. She scooped a good spoonful and brought it to her mouth, where she sampled it, reached into her mouth with her hand, took the mouthful out and plopped it back into the jar with the spoon.

"I don't like it!" she said and pushed the jar away.

Maybe she'll remember that now.

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