Sunday, May 23, 2010

You Can't Make This Stuff up

Isn't this our worst fear?


edk said...

No, I can't say the notion of being sucked into a sausge machine has ever bothered me overmuch. In fact, I believe I can truthfully say it has never crossed my mind.

But thank you for sharing this article; I'll be on the lookout for sausage machines from now on. What do you recommend as a deterent? Deep Woods Off?

TeacherScribe said...


You never know when a rogue sausage machine will creep up on you.

But come on. This guy - as he was cleaning it (and all the times he had cleaned it numerous times in the past) had to be thinking, "Good lord, it would hurt like crazy to get caught in this thing!"

And he did!

I think that of what could go wrong all the time. Whenever I am under a car - changing the tire or oil (well, okay . . . I never change the oil but I used to help my dad years ago), I always think, "Wouldn't it be terrible if the jack gave way . . .

Or whenever I'm fishing something out of our garbage disposal, I can't help but think . . . hope this sucker doesn't just turn on all of a sudden!

Me said...

I agree Kurt. EDK - you're funny!
Deep Woods Off indeed!

edk said...

Rogue sausage machines sneaking up on ya! I love it! I'll be checking over my shoulder and I think I'll trade off the Deep Woods Off for an elephant gun - a matter of degree in preparedness can make all the difference!

Of course, in generalities I do have fears, as does everyone, I assume. But humor can sometimes be found in the particulars.

Just to be clear, I would not class the sucked in experience itself as humorous; I'm glad he didn't become a sausage.