Sunday, May 23, 2010

What a weekend

Sitting out on the patio, blogging, and finishing lesson plans on a beautiful evening. Now that's the way to cap such a great weekend.

Saturday Kristie and I ran to Kmart to buy Kenzers some summer toys (a picnic table, a lawnmower that blows bubbles, and a push cart). After a two hour adventure in putting the push cart together, Kristie and I took Kenzers out in it . . . and decided to drop in on our best friends, Lon and Sara.

Four hours later, we came home to quite a lightning show in the sky! Nothing like a night with friends.

Rhylee and Kenzie played like best friends and thoroughly wore each other out.

Today was busier.

This morning I got up and headed to Brooks to attend my niece's baccalaureate. After an excellent sermon from Father Chuck and an excellent breakfast in the church basement, I came back home, grabbed Kenzers and headed to Hugos for groceries.

When I got home, Kristie said that Sara and Rhylee had called and were wondering if we would be interested in coming on over for a pool party.

Kristie and Kenzie headed over there while I had to run out to Evergreen cemetery where Mom and Dad are buried and help with the spring clean up. As president of the cemetery board, I had to be there (the one time I didn't show up, they elected me president!). A small crew had assembled since most of the families were trying to get the last of the crops in. But we worked hard and had that cemetery looking better than ever.

Once that mission was complete, I stopped home, changed, and biked over to Lon and Sara's where we had a great afternoon.

Now if I just had more wood for a fire, this would be the perfect evening.

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