Sunday, May 16, 2010

There's Millennials and then there's . . .

white trash receptacles.

I'm afraid a portion of the next generation falls right into that subcategory.

Kenzie and I were at the Catholic school playground (one of her favorite spots). We were having an excellent time until a group of kids - two or three from KoKo's class - got dropped off.

No big deal, I thought.

Until the F bombs started to fly.

I hate to stereotype, but sometimes when the stereotype is true, is it not a fact?

Flat brimmed hats turned sideways. Baggy - gangsta wanna be shorts that are so long that if they weren't so baggy they could pass for capris. The piercings and tattoos. The white beaters. And the foul mouths.

One of the girls with the group saw me drilling holes in the neanderthals and just as I was about to say something, she piped up and said, "Knock the cursing off there's a kid over there."

Never mind you are at a playground 25 yards from the church that you were most likely baptized in.

As I looked as sweet little Kenzie saying "Wheeeee" on the swing, I thought, these pieces of shit started out like Kenzie. What went wrong?

Drugs? Dead beat parents? No social safety net? No real friends or activities? A rebellious streak?

I mean do people ever just wake up one day and think, I'm going to be a piece of shit white trash and smoke and do drugs and work at a dead end job and live in a shack?

Because that's where these future pillars of the Spot and the Rusty Nail are headed.

1 comment:

The Escapist said...

Well put! You will find quite a lot of that particular stereotype at McDonald's daily. . . I'm going to smack the mouth off of someone who does that around my future niece/nephew.