Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ninety Seven Percent

That's the percent I'd estimate that KoKo is leaning toward LHS next year.

After she spent a day with me earlier this month and then attending the honors banquet and Evening with the Arts, she put the percent at 87.

On Monday I took her to our choir concert, which is unlike any other in the state. It makes other concerts I've been too look downright infantile. To be fair, LHS's choir has well over a hundred kids in it and they get to hone their skills for 90 minutes a day (in addition to all the hours put in outside of school). And one hell of a dedicated instructor to boot!

To say that KoKo was amazed would be an understatement. She had a grin on her face the whole time (all 2 hours and ten minutes) and was constantly tapping her foot and clapping along.

"Wow," was about all she had to say.

And that summed it up well.

Those kids put in so much time and effort that the show better be good. And it always is.

Had we not had to back out of attending the Mark Wood performance with our orchestra the previous week, the percent might be well over 100.


Me said...

Do you mean LHS as in Lincoln or Lafayette?


I'm pretty sure you mean Lincoln though.

TeacherScribe said...

I'm pushing KoKo hard to get involved in Lincoln's Magnet Arts program. She loves to draw and write. What Marilyn and Connie could do for her would work wonders for her passion and desire.

I mean the kid spends hours doodling and drawing in her sketch book. When she has an art assignment for a class, she goes all out - even if the assignment is just worth ten points.

KoKo would be in her element in that program. Plus, she could be in choir. And I could help chaperone the choir trip to NY that she'd be part of as a junior! I went several years ago and haven't been able to tag along since.

Me said...

:) Isn't that awesome? I'm sure she'd love it!