Friday, March 24, 2017

Teaching Tip #137

Teacherscribe’s Teaching Tip #137
The Immigrant Edge – This one should get Trump’s blood boiling
Brian Buffini, an incredible successful Irish immigrant, was featured on the Entreleadership podcast.  In the interview, he shared the seven traits that make immigrants – often – so much more successful than Americans residents.
How can we teach these in our classes?
Trait #5 – Have the boldness to invest

If we don’t invest in ourselves as teachers, what are we doing here?  Next year marks my 20th year teaching.  But because I invest in myself through constantly reading and writing and taking classes and learning from my mistakes and successes, I have never taught the same year twice.  And I’ll be vastly better in 2018 than I was way back in 1998 when I began here.

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