Friday, September 02, 2016

Teaching Tip #5

Teacherscribe’s Teaching Tip #5

How I keep my passion up #1: every day on my way to school I think of this scenario – Mr. Zutz has just informed every student that today they can go to any classroom they wish, just for first block.  They can go to the classroom where they are the most engaged, inspired, challenged . . . the classroom where they feel their voice is heard and matters.  They don’t have to just go to the classroom where the content is covered.

These thoughts are running through my head as I climb the stairs up to my room.  Then when I open the door, I ask myself, “Would I have any students in my room?”

I sure hope so.  And I teach that day so that I would have students in my classroom if Mr. Zutz ever did give students that option.

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