This is amazing. And inspiring. And hopeful. And amazing. Did I mention that?
This one is just a great. Though not in the same way. This one is inspiring and hopeful in an entirely different way. The reason people give to her is because she is a perfect example of what Simon Sinek refers to as "The Golden Circle." That's what makes Apple such an amazing company; it's what made MLK JR. such a force for Civil Rights; and it's what made the Wright brothers achieve flight.
The Golden Circle is easy -
Most companies or movements start with "What" and work their way inward. This doesn't work. It might sell products, but it doesn't cement loyalty or devotion. An example - if Apple sold computer this way they would say "(What) Want to buy a computer? (How) We make easy to use, well designed products. (Why) Be different, buy a Mac."
But they don't. Almost every other company starts that way.
But the true innovators don't. They start with "Why" and work their way out. An example - here is what Apple does "(Why) We believe in doing this differently, in challenging the status quote. (How) we do this through beautifully designed products that are simple to use. (What) Want to be more creating? More connected? More productive? Buy one of our products."
And it works. That's why people will wait outside the apple store for the chance to be the first to buy a new product. IBM doesn't get that kind of devotion. Neither does Dell or Toshiba.
What is remarkable about Amanda Palmer's video, is that she lives her "Why" and that's why her fans and others respond to her and help her.
What is your why?
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