Thursday, December 09, 2010

Religious Whakiness at its Best (Worst)

Protesting at a funeral is as close to evil as one can get. At least that is my take on it.

If you have an issues with gays or divorce or such stupidity as curing cancer through prayer, fine with me.

But don't protest at a funeral.

I love this quote . . .

The Westboro Baptist Church released a statement on its website accusing Edwards of "spewing blasphemy."

The statement claims, among other things, that Edwards refused to pray to God to cure her of cancer.

"This witch spent her life in defiance and disobedience to God, and blasphemed Him with her dying breath," the statement reads. "She received multiple warnings and opportunities to repent. ... Her pride and arrogance is breath-taking!"

Religious intolerance like that hasn't been seen since the days of Romans feeding Christians to lions, the Spanish Inquisition, or at least the Salem witch trials (and leave no doubt about it, if this dumbass is so callous as to call a recently deceased loved one a 'witch' he and his 'flock' - thank God (and I genuinely mean that) his congregation mostly consists of this moron and his close family - wouldn't have any problem executing these 'witches.')

I always wonder what people like this must think when a bus full of kids on a church retreat goes off a cliff or is in a serious accident. Weren't those kids praying hard enough? What did they do to offend God?

And talk about pride and arrogance? Spewing your religious fabrications at a funeral? That's pretty prideful and arrogant to me.

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