Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Exactly what America Needs

A new Sputnik. Thomas Friedman has been preaching about China actually being good for us for some time now.

And I believe he's right on the money.

What helped make our country so great and such a world power? Our competition with Russia during the Cold War.

Now with China's rise, maybe we will finally get that kick in our rear end that will get us focused on relatively foolish issues and really get down to inventing the new energy technologies that will be the gold mine of the next 30 years.

As congressman George Miller said a few years ago, "The only new economic forces will be innovation and discovery." We can't just outproduce other countries anymore or rely on our rapidly depleting natural resources. But we can get serious about innovating our way out of this mess. Let's have that Green Revolution Friedman has been calling for.

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