Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beaner's Almost Back

Tomorrow after Kristie gets off work, we head to Bismarck. We'll spend the night there (rolling into town around 11 or so). Then we'll head to Dickinson where we'll meet Kristie's dad and we'll get KoKo and Taylor back.

I can't believe she's been gone so long.

Casey is a bit of a loner - what 17 year old boy with every game system known to man and a new wireless connection wouldn't be? - but KoKo and I are close, and I've missed my summer buddy. Whether it's messing around with the animals, going out for rides around town, biking, hustling from one practice or game to another, taking pictures with the digital camera, or watching horror films, we spend some good time together in the summers. However, she'll likely be swamped by her friends for the first couple days.

Either way, Beaner will brighten this place up quite a bit.


Einer uses Joker as a pillow.

Mischa is out.

I knew someone was watching me as I mowed the lawn this morning.


AlphaFemale said...

Be afraid, readers of "teacherscribe." If he takes this many pictures of the animals, what's he going to be like once the baby is born?!

TeacherScribe said...

Don't worry. I'm not going to be one of "those" parents! Famous last words, right?