Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Waiting on the technology

Since our textbooks are in, now we are just waiting on our technology. We put in - and I believe we would receive - a classroom computer and an overhead projector. When I was in graduate school, we used one regularly in a writing class, and it was great. With the new textbooks and technology, I'm looking forward to redesigned classes. Plus, I've been doing some work with imovie - only this web browser won't let me post any of the videos - and I think my students would love it. I'm thining of having students design a trailer or preview for one of the books or stories we'll be reading. I know I would have been all over that as a student. Even now as I write that, I'm thinking of bits and pieces I could use for the texts we ordered.

To break out of my rut, I've been chucking a lot of my former stuff. Gone are old worksheets, stories, and lessons. I've always said I'll never be one of those teachers whose entire curriculum is in a tidy three ring binder. The curriculum, or so I believe, sits in the 25 plus desks in my room every day. "Start where they are" is the mantra of my college advisor and I think that's very apt. Find where they are, look for a hook into what we are studying and then draw them in. It's really the inquiry approach to teaching.

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