One of my colleagues here suggested - somewhat facetiously - that I should a place on here where people could add a topic and I could respond. Well, I don't know how to do that - if blogger would even allow me to do that.
But you can log in to blogger (you need to create a user name and an account - which is quite easy to do and you can be as anonymous as you wish) and leave feedback. Only a few bloggers have left anything - so any comments are welcome.
As I've said before, this blog is simply a way for me to blow off some steam and to think out my beliefs on life and teaching. Those who read it either at home or from school (many for SSR) have told me that they quite enjoy it. And that's satisfying. But I would enjoy getting in to some good discussions about topics that are addressed here. I think you'd find that voicing your opinions is much better than keeping them pent up like I used to.
Leaving comments is simple. If you've made it this far, you can leave comments. Just create a google account (click on the link below and you can set one up easily). Type in your email. Create a password. Then type in the word verification. Then click accept. Your email account will immediately receive a notification of your account. Your comment then will be posted. Just log in again whenever you want to leave more comments or feedback. Get off your duffs and do it! Or I shall send Mephastophilis to inspire you!
To save your souls from Mephastophilis's wrath, I have now enabled you to make comments anonymously. Let's get started.
Obviously your colleagues and perhaps some of your students are aware who Teacherscribe is. Does this concern you at all? Does it make you censor yourself in any way? Do you worry that the "powers that be" may discover who you are and what you've been saying about them? Do you worry that a student may recognize him or her self in one of your diatribes, thus compromising your relationship with them?
I've decided to take the challenge. Actually I already sent a comment anonymously, but have now created an account. Be prepared!
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