The past two days have been a blur. I just finished subbing for a colleague who went home ill. It's been a long time since I've worked with a Comm 10 class. I recognized many of the faces from either football or my Comp I classes. They were a good group. They were working on poetic forms. I must confess, many of the forms were completely unfamiliar to me. But we worked through them. The kids were energetic and worked hard.
What I really found interesting was how different my style is from this teacher's. She happens to be very concrete sequential. I'm just the opposite. So trying to follow her lesson plan was difficult for me. It was nothing to do with the lesson: it was just that her delivery style varies so much from mine. When I turned on her projector and tried to walk them through a few of the poem forms, I felt lost. I rarely use my projector and don't feel comfortable at all using one. But here the kids came to the rescue and worked really well.
I was impressed with how the kids in the class have a love for language. Without even telling them, several had out their thesauruses and were looking up words for their poems. I could tell they have been taught well and managed well too.
This morning was a complete disaster. I was up at 5 to get ready to run. I woke Casey up for his football weight lifting session at 5:30. Then I fed the dogs. When I finished my 3 miles, I went to let them out and found that Joker was mysteriously absent. He must have been able to nudge either the front or back door open. So after showing and throwing down some breakfast, I was off in search of him. Usually he winds up at my brother's. I'm not sure why. Kevin has Dad's pick up and Joker used to love riding in the pick up, so maybe he was drawn to that, but who knows.
Joker has been "ticketed" twice before for running around town. This time it carried a $120 fine. So Kristie wasn't thrilled about possibly paying a third ticket and then having her name in the paper for a loose dog ticket. But Deanne, my brother's wife, called later in the morning to report that she had Joker and was going to drop him off.
Now tonight I have an RU Ready meeting at our local college that I had forgotten all about. This stuff never ends. For once I'd like to just go home with no work and just lounge around and read a book. Wouldn't that be nice?
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