Thursday, March 15, 2007

Winter Wonder Land

It looks like mid December out. Big wet flakes that the wind blows horizontally outside the window. I think I'll take Koko sledding after school. By the time Kristie gets home it might be too dark.


I don't know why I thought of this now, but the next time I teach College Composition (if there is a next time that is), I'm going to have each student set up a blog and publish their essays there. They'll also submit a 'hard' copy to me, but then they're really publishing their final work rather than just handing it in to me. I'll charge the students to read each other's and leave feedback. Plus with a video projector hooked up to my laptop (and wireless internet - oh yeah I'm dreaming), I could pull up their blog and have the essay right there.

Of course, I haven't thought of all the drawbacks yet. But there will be many I'm sure. But I need to shake up my classes some how. I feel like I'm being like MY high school teachers. That ain't good!


The requests for letters of recommendation are starting to pile up. I was able to knock one off this morning, and it's pretty good too. But then so is the student. It's a pleasure to write one when that happens. The trick is to reflect on the student and try to capture their unique talents and attributes. But that can be hard since I haven't had many since they were sophomores. They must be hard up for references!

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