My mom used to like to tell the story of how once my older brother Kevin, to get me out of his room so he could have some privacy, said, "Kurt, no one likes you, so leave."
Mom said she knew she'd never have to worry about my self-esteem when I quickly shot back, "That's alright. I like myself!" as I scampered out of his room with several toys loaded in my arms.
I think of that every time I see these pictures.
The Godzilla on my right still lives. He is perched high in my office at home. He is a favorite of Koko's. At the base of his skull is a level which, if pulled, causes his tongue to stick out. It's painted with red and yellow flames to imitate his fire breathing.

The desk just to my left was a present on my previous birthday. When Barb and Kev left for school, I'd sit in my desk all morning long until they came home for lunch. I guess I always wanted to be a student. I believe the box full of Legos is that same one in the pervious picture - though here I'm younger. It's Christmas - my favorite time as a child.

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