Monday, March 11, 2019

Teaching Thought #119

Teacherscribe's Teaching Thought #119

Give your class back to your students.  Way #5 – Use whiteboard paint to give students space to display their thinking.  

I gotta admit I love this idea.  But I just have too much on my walls.  But I should try and find a place for this.  So many possibilities here.

From the article - One of the things that we are pushing for in our primary section to be included in our latest round of orders is for every classroom to have an Apple TV, and for every classroom to have a “thinkspace” made from whiteboard paint. I already try to give them as much of the available wall space as possible for posting visual displays of their thinking, but it is hard to match the sheer awesomeness of a full whiteboard wall like my kids are using above.

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