Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Teaching Thought #111

Teacherscribe's Teaching Thought #111

Use the app, Moment, to help show kids (and yourself, perhaps) how addicted they are to their phones.

I’m stealing this hack from James Alan Sturtevant, a high school history teacher.  Here is his website where he posts his work and thoughts on teaching.

Kelsey Johnson strongly recommended this when I stopped by the media center to grab some summer readings from our professional development library. 

Hack 56 - Explose Student Phone Obsession - use the app, Moment, to illustrate how much students use their cell phones.

One thing I'm going to change next year is my cell phone policy.  Students are not to be on it, unless they have permission (and the same goes for me too).  In fact, I'm taking this one step further and sending home a form to parents to remind them to not text or contact their students during class time. I honestly think that it's not all on the students.  I had one student last semester who was constantly on her phone.  I tried to make her aware of her cell phone (over) use.  She was usually on Snapchat, but this one time she was texting her mother, who was at work.  I guess employers have to develop their own cell phone policies too!

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