Friday, October 07, 2011

Steve Jobs

Visionary, rebel, drop out, charismatic CEO, maverick, brilliant, world changer . . . these are but a few of the words that come to mind about Steve Jobs, who recently died from pancreatic cancer.

Of course, I type this entry on my MacBook.  Later today, I'll listen to my iPod.  Kenzie will watch a movie on the iPad.  If I were at work, I'd be using the Apple desktop computer.  But that's just the hardware.  I showed two presentations via Keynote the past couple days (Apple's answer to PowerPoint).  I showed a documentary that I purchased from iTunes.  I posted pictures that I downloaded in iPhoto.

And to think all that revolution began innocently enough with the apple IIe and then Mac personal computer in 1984.  Of course, we still had those Macs in use in our English lab as late as 1999.  What other computer could remain viable for 15 years?

His impact goes on and on.  Even if we don't realize it (or like to admit it).

Apple will have quite the void to fill.  But they still have the brilliant Jonathan Ive.

RiP Mr. Jobs

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