Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Park and Freezies.

Kenzers wanted to go for a ride, so we drove around the county. She dozed off west of Terrebonne. So we drove back through RLF over to Huot and she finally woke up as we were just north of Gentilly. Over by Huot we actually saw a patch of sun sneak through the clouds and bathe us for about a minute.

By the time we got back home, had some lunch, and a shower, the sun was really out and most of the clouds were long gone.

"Park!" was Kenzie's rallying cry, so I loaded her up and went down to Riverside Park.

We played there some before going to the park at St. Joe's. When Kenz tired of that, we finally came back home for some Freezies.

As far as Kenzer's world goes the park and Freezies make for a pretty fine way to spend an afternoon.

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