Sunday, June 20, 2010

Big Trip

I'm just about off on my huge MNHS trip. This one will actually dwarf our Boston trip three years ago. I never thought that would be possible.

Tomorrow night we'll be in Maryland. Then we'll take a bus down to Gettysburg. Then we'll head to Williamsburgh. Then it's off to Charleston, SC. After that, we head to Savannah, GA. Then it's off to Atlanta for a couple days. Wheeew. I'm tired just from reading the itinerary.

Thankfully, we've got Skype up and running so I can stay in touch with my family. I'll be homesick by about noon tomorrow!

But it's once in a life time chance for a free trip such as this. Plus, I get three grad credits! Hopefully, I'll be able to post some pics.

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