Thursday, June 17, 2010


One of the best things about Brian and Eddie coming up to work on our house is that Brian brought his son, Austin.

It's always fun to have a kid around the place (I shouldn't say kid as Austin is going into 9th grade).

But what we never expected was the relationship that would form between Kenzie and Austin. Those two hit it off wonderfully.

Last night, for example, Kenzie was restless, climbing all over me and then flopping onto the floor and crying. She was in the that too tired to sit still stage yet too antsy to sit still stage.

But then Austin came down from upstairs. Kenzie stood right up and declared, "Austin!" and bolted right for her.

He picked her up, carried her over to the couch, and by the time the news was done, Kenzie was sound asleep in his lap!

On one of the first nights Austin was here, we ordered food from Joe DiMaggio's. Kenzie and I were sharing chicken strips and fries. She was growing restless and wanted to run around, so I set her on the floor and began cleaning up.

When Kristie and I returned to the dining room, what did we see? Kenzie perched in Austin's lap chomping on his french fries!

"I got fench fies, Mommy!" she said gleefully from his lap.

A few nights ago we were watching a movie and Kenzie tackled Austin. As he fell down with her, he said, "I'm like one of her toys now!"

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