Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Yesterday was our three year anniversary. I bought Kristie a card (you don't know how daunting that is for an English major because every Hallmark card is a perfect exercise in flowery prose, cliches, or just tired sentiment), but I found a good one. I didn't get time to write in it, choosing to let my subconscious come up with something good during the evening.

When Kristie was relaxing, I decided to take Kenzie for a spin around town in Casey's pickup (she loves not having to ride in the back seat like in our Highlander). So Kenzer's and I hit the road. First, though, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up her new favorite treat, Reeses Peices.

Then we hit the road. We drove around town and finally wound our way through my favorite spot in RLF, Sportsman's Park. My favorite spot actually is "The Point" where the Red Lake River and the Clearwater River meet. It's located at the end of the park.

Kenzers and I watched the river for a bit and then pulled out of the park.

I couldn't help but think - as we drove in Casey's Silverado - about my father and all the trips we took in his old, battered Silverado.

Then I thought about how I was so happy to have a beautiful wife, great step-kids, and our daughter (who was gobbling up the Reeses and bellowing her new favorite phrase, "Rock and Roooooolllll") and a realization hit me that I knew was perfect for the card: this must have been how Dad felt his entire adult life.

At that moment, I think I felt genuine happiness.


Me said...

I remember that Silverado too! Happy Anniversary! J. and I will be married for 14 years on the 8th!

Anonymous said...

What a dad! Kenzie really enjoys her outings with the way, Happy Anniversary----you all make a wonderful loving family and am proud of each and every one of you! Gramma gail/mom