Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Quite the helper

Yesterday, I had to take out the recycling. As I was doing this, I saw Kenzie eyeing me up.

As I took the garbage bags out of the recycling bins, she hightailed it to our kitchen pantry where we keep the garbage.

I said, "No honey. I'm just taking out the recycling. The garbage isn't ready yet."

Still, she persisted, trying to open the pantry doors.

"Open, open, open," she said.

Then it hit me: she didn't care about the garbage; she wanted to get the garbage bags!

Sure enough, when I opened the pantry, she came out not with just two bags, but the whole box full of them. Then she carried it over to me, set it down, and pulled out a bag.

Before I knew it, she was tried to put it into the recycling bin!

Can't wait until she can change the oil and clean out the rain gutters, which should be around kindergarten

1 comment:

Me said...

She's amazing! I'm sure you and Kristie are so proud!