Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Great Millennial Story

Kari was working on her final College Comp II paper in my room during my prep. I was talking about being a bit of a millennial since I really missed my defunct BlackBerry, when she piped up and declared, "Do I have a millennial story for you!"

Apparently, she was talking with her mother and her brother (who is a sophomore). Her brother was stating how he had a presentation coming up for a class.

Kari's mother stated that she sure was impressed with all of the presentations and speeches her kids had to give in school over the year. She also remarked how when she was in high school, she never had to give a presentation.

That's when her son declared, "Mom, how could you have given a presentation when you were in school? There weren't any computers back then!"

Ha. Now that's a millennial talking if I've ever heard one.

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