Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Common Sense?

There is a local talk radio show that is often interesting.

I heard them talking about politics. And there’s nothing more upsetting than listening to supposed experts talk about politics (or blog about it, you keen readers might add). And while I usually switch to KFAN, I decided to subject myself to the discussion a bit longer.

One commentator mentioned how he had heard someone tell him about a story they had read (a second hand story is rarely a credible source. I learned that one the hard way when I blogged about something I had heard about Marvin Windows that was totally unfair and inaccurate).

Apparently, the commentator had heard about a story in the Star Trib about a sign asking people to honk if they support health care (or if they are unhappy with health care . . . the commentator wasn’t sure).

So many people began honking that it began to disturb the neighbors. They appealed to the police, who either cited the honkers or had the signs taken down.

Then the dastardly ACLU got involved. The ACLU thought that impeding the honkers right to honk was impeding their free speech.

Sure enough, it went to some level of the court system, and it was ruled that the honkers could go ahead and honk away.

It seems that the courts are willing to allow continuous honking at all hours of the day to disturb the poor residents.

The commentators were horrified at this and complained that “that’s the problem with this country today! No common sense.”

I quite agree (though you could argue every generation has complained that the country has lacked common sense. I mean when have you ever head any member of any generation exclaim, we just have so much common sense today?). But I’d like to add that it would be a good idea (and I’ve learned this one the hard way), to actually do your research before going on the air with some half truth story that is passed off as fact.

Here’s the link to the REAL story - which bears little resemblance to the one on air.

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