Friday, November 21, 2008

Great lines

Want to know why we should read controversial works in school, works that challenge what parents believe and want their kids to believe, works that make kids (and maybe their parents) question the world around them, works that if their parents have open minds and talk with their kids and think things through will only strengthen their faiths?

Well, here's why . . .

From Ezra Pound --

"I know you hate like hell to print me. And that an
EPIC includes history and history ain't all slush and
babies pink toes."

From Christian Wiman (editor of Poetry magazine)

"Let us remember . . . that in the end we go to poetry
for one reason, so that we might more fully inhabit
our lives and the world in which we live them, and
that if we more fully inhabit these, we might
be less apt to destroy both."

Knowledge doesn't need to be feared anymore than an ostrich need to stick its head in the sand. And that defense mechanism can't be employed by the ostrich all that often. Otherwise, wouldn't natural selection have weeded those foolish birds out long ago?

One can only hope logic and reason and insight will weed out those foolish teachers and administrators among us.

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