Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can I not show this picture in class anymore?

Here is a picture from the lynchings in Duluth that I use to discuss the horrors of racism. Is this out of the question now?

Horrified? You should be. Look at those smiling white faces. You should be horrified. Look at that dead man on the ground. Or the men hanging from the light pole. Those were sons and fathers and husbands. You should be horrified. That happened here in Duluth. You should be horrified. It was sent out as a postcard. You should be horrified. Never let it happen again. Take that horrified feeling and act on it. Expand your mind. A Catholic priest tried to stop the crowd but was overpowered. He tried climbing the pole to cut them down, but he failed. He was horrified. And he tried to do the right thing. That's a picture of ignorance.

And I can't show that? Is TKM next? Or "The Lottery" or "Young Goodman Brown" or "Night" or "The Canterbury Tales" or "Birches" by Robert Frost or "Like a Winding Sheet" or "A Rose for Emily" or "The Yellow Wallpaper" or "The Things They Carried."

Who's going to make that call. God I hope it's not the fool who proposed a rating system for all the books we teach and the books in the library. Who has time to rate all the damn books in the library? Let alone decide what is objectionable and what isn't.

I thought "spit or swallow" was an objectionable topic for health class, but never got the chance to object. I thought a kid wearing a swastika on his coat - regardless of his excuse that it was protesting hate groups was offensive. So much for that.

Where will the ignorance end?

I'm reminded of John Proctor in "The Crucible" shouting at Judge Danforth and the court's ignorance in handing over the keys of the kingdom to wicked children.

Well, we apparently have handed the keys of the kingdom over to the some irate and ignorant parents.

Where's that gallows pole?

1 comment:

Mrs Petey said...

I wish more people taught like you do. It's the ignorance of others that continually stops our children from learning. It's that line of thinking that has created this generation of kids that can't handle failure or anything 'icky' because they have been coddled & 'protected' from the world. They are the ones that will fail in today's world as they do not know how to think on their own or handle any situation not laid out for them. Thank God there are still teachers and parents like you out there. Amen for taking a stand!