Thursday, September 21, 2006


I am having my Comp class (sophomores) write about an epiphany. We discussed Helen Keller's breakthrough with her recognition of what 'water' was. Then we talked about epiphanies we all experience. In goading them into brainstorming some topics, I was telling the class, "We all have gone through this one. It has to do with school . . ." I was hoping for some suggestions like learning how to read, tie shoes, write, and so on. Then one kid says "When we realize school sucks." So I went with this. That might be an epiphany for him. But all he could must was "It just sucks." Then the red climbed to his cheeks and he seemed to sense that very few in the class shared his sarcasm and that he couldn't reinforce his epiphany with facts. It was a good epiphany for me. Not all kids think school sucks.

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