Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Teacherscribe's Teaching Thought #31

Teaching Thought #31

Here is an interesting take on the Ten Things Teachers Should Unlearn, this one instead looks at what  Parents Should Unlearn.

Sixth, Homework is an essential part of learning.

We had this very discussion in class one day.  A student shared a line that he tried on this mom one night after she told him to get working on his homework.  He said, “Mom, how long did you work at Digi Key today?”

“Eight hours, why?”

“Well, I had eight hours of school and two hours of practice after that.”


“So,” he said with a smirk, “instead of sitting down to The Real Housewives of whatever why don’t you go back to Digi Key for a couple more hours.”

Now, I don’t necessarily support such talk back to parents, but it raises a very intriguing issue – sometimes we forget just how busy the lives of our students are.

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