Thursday, August 04, 2016

Summer School is a Wrap

My 14th year of teaching summer school will be done at 12:30 today.  The ALC is a unique experience, but one that I have enjoyed.  It is pretty much the only place I get to teach electives.  So I was able to teach Science Fiction first session and then totally make up my own curriculum for Science Fiction II second session.  What a blast.

I also had fun teaching Young Adult Lit (any time you get to teach the Will Weaver stories "WWJD" and "The Photograph," it's a great class), Composition (which at this point in my career is the class I have taught more than any other), Creative Writing (which I am all too happy to teach just once a year), and MN Authors (any time you get to teach the Will Weaver novel Claws and the Gary Paulson novel Winterkill, it's a great time).

It has been a jam-packed summer.  It all began with Kristie and I helping chaperone the choir trip to New York, which was amazing.  Then by the time we returned, summer school was already in its second week, so I hit the ground running.  Now that it is over, though, I will have my one week summer vacation before football practice starts.

But I plan on spending the bulk of next week - with the help of Kenzie and Cash - putting my room back in order so it's ready for inservice week.  And there is the matter of us putting my latest Lego set, The Ewok Village, together.  I splurged with a chunk of my runner-up WEM award check.

By the time inservice rolls around, Teaching and Learning 250 at UND will be starting too.  Gone are the summers, back when I lived on the farm, and June, July, and August just seemed to crawl by.

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