Thursday, November 19, 2015

Teaching Tip #52

Teacherscribe’s Teaching Tip #52

This one is probably my biggest teaching tip, and I don’t know why I’m getting to it right now, but here it is: stay current with your professional reading.

Not only do I feel it’s vital for me to stay current in the world of English and composition as a professional, but it is also a great way for me to model one of the biggest things I want my students to learn from my classes: become a life long learner.

Since I’m revising how I teach College Comp, we will have daily silent sustained reading time and part of that time is devoted to sharing what we are reading.  This is going to give me a time to share with my class all of the reading (and learning) that I do.

In fact, the very reason I’m revising how I teach composition is because of a phenomenal book I read, Penny Kittle’s Write Beside Them. I read it twice this summer and it made me realize I’ve been teaching like I’ve been asleep for a few years now.  It was the kick in the professional ass i needed.

So what books are you reading?  What podcasts are you listening to?  What videos are you watching?   

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