Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why I have the Greatest Job in the World

The Linchpin boards.  I know the students dislike them. I know the book bores them, but to be fair: I'm not teaching the book to them as high school students.  I'm teaching it to them for when they finish college and enter the workforce.  So they don't quite appreciate all of the wisdom Godin has to pass on to them.

But one day around 2025 they will.

Until then, I torment then with Godin's book.  The final assignments are to write a research paper in which they explain either what Linchpin ability they possess currently or hope to acquire in college and, my favorite things I get to teach, their final Linchpin boards.

For the record, here are the seven traits of a Linchpin.

To show off their Linchpin boards, I reserved out Training Center and invited our administration, teachers, and parents.  As the students were setting them up, I was grinning ear to ear.

"You love this don't you," a student said.

"This is better than Christmas," I said.  And it's true.

Here is why:

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