Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Teaching Tip #7

What’s your Noble Teaching Purpose?

I read Lisa Earl McCloud’s book two summers ago.  It’s called Selling with Noble Purpose: How to Drive Revenue and Do Work That Makes You Proud.   In it, she talks about the importance of having a noble selling purpose.  She studied top of the line pharmaceutical salespeople.  She discovered that the best ones have some purpose that drives them and inspires them.

She visited with one rep who was the top seller in her entire area.

After shadowing her for several days, she asked her a key question on the way to the airport: “What do you think about when you’re on a sale?”

The lady responded that she thought of one of her first times selling a certain drug.  She was in a doctor’s office waiting for a moment to speak with the doctor when a little old lady came up to her and asked her if she sold a specific drug.

She did.

The lady said, “I just want to thank you.  You have given me my life back.  Since my doctor prescribed that medication, I can actually get down on my hands and knees and play with my grandchildren again.  I can travel again to see my other children.  Thank you.”

The pharmaceutical rep said that she thought of that little old lady every single time she went on a sales call.

McCloud dubbed this a “noble selling purpose.”

So as a teacher, what is your noble teaching purpose?

What made you want to impact the lives of your students?  What teacher made an impact on you?  What assignment changed your life?

Ponder those and keep them at the front of your mind when you prepare lessons, design curriculum, or even enter your classroom.

Your students will be better for it.

For the record, mine is below -

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