Saturday, March 29, 2014

Today's Read, Views, and Links

History in a Tree

This is amazing.  Now the tree hugger in me asks why cut such a magnificent thing down?  But maybe it was diseased or had to be cut down.  Regardless, imagine living through all that this tree did.


A matter of perspective.  I love this one from one of my favorite bloggers/administrators.

This is what every teacher should strive for: connection.  If you're just up reading directions without passion, a computer could do your job. What's the point of showing up to teach?


If you're still holding back from embracing social media in your classroom or school, here are 11 Ways to Use Social Media in your School.

My favorites are -

In class:
  • Class announcements and discussions are shared on sites like Twitter
  • Professors share learning materials and more on blogs and networking sites.


School pride:
  • Colleges create mascot Facebook pages to encourage school spirit
  • Free school swag and materials are offered online

Free school swag? I love that!

Speaking of social media, here is an interesting post form an educator talking about What Your Twitter Profile Says About You?   Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought about your digital footprint?


How cool is this? An elementary school class that allows students to create their own learning environment.  Gotta love innovation.


Another reason why I love the personal essay.  And why I think it should be the dominant form of writing taught at high schools. Perhaps, it even is!


This commercial is awesome!

I don't seeing either of or cats being so calm free falling from 15,000 feet!  Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing Kozy, our dog, free falling. Minus the parachute!  Ha ha.  Just kidding.

Inevitably, this commercial sparked outrage from animal lovers; however, those folks seem to forget there are such things as blue screens and special effects. NO CATS WERE THROWN FROM PLANES.

If they were, don't you think they'd look a little more disturbed? Einer just about claws my face off whenever I jokingly hold him over the bathtub.  What do you think they'd do if you were tossing them off a plane?

I don't know of a better commercial. Maybe this one.

 I will never forget how hard my father laughed at this one when we watched it during the Super Bowl.


And this is how the Bard should be taught and read to high schoolers!  Brilliant.


Mr. Powers sent this to me. I think it's brilliant. And an amazing assignment.


And finally, when I assign both the braided essay and multi-genre research papers, I tell students that the record is 76 pages.  And I offer a challenge to anyone interested in going for the record.

Well, this time a senior accepted the challenge!

I never would have imagined 93 pages!  That's what 11 hours worth of writing can produce. It was great to see her go to work in class.  She would sit down, put her headphones one, tune the world out, and give anyone interrupting her the can't-you-see-I'm-busy-writing look. 

And here's the proof she sent me.

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