Thursday, February 13, 2014

Digital Classroom 205

For several years now I've kept a blog for my College Comp 2 class.

Today, I decided to create one for my College Comp class(es).


First, I think it's a great way to get students engaged and working right away to begin the hour. I loathe the term "bell work," but before students come in to class, I email them the link to our blog with the day's assignment(s) updated.  Then they can spend the first 10-15 minutes engaged with the blog as opposed to visiting or checking out social media.

Second, it's a great way to "flip" my classroom.  Students can do the classwork at home, such as watching a video or listening to a podcast, and we can do the homework in class, writing an essay or discussing the video or podcast.

Third, it's really a no-brainer since we are a 1:1 district.

I just hope I can keep up with both blogs and make them work for my students.

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