Tuesday, December 03, 2013

What is Going on in 205

I can't believe that they're are now less than three weeks until Christmas vacation.  It really doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was spending the first week of inservice and Labor Day unpacking and setting up my room.  Yet here we are rapidly approaching the end of first semester.

Lit & Lang 9R:

We are doing our best with the textbook's truncated version of The Odyssey.  I can't think of a worse way to present this classic.  Our textbook chops up entire sections and skips up some of the best parts of the epic.

For these struggling readers though, I found two excellent videos via iTunes, that look at the historical significance of both The Iliad and The Odyssey.  So that laid a solid foundation for the students before we began reading the work.

I also had them each research a god.  Then I had them read an Entertainment Weekly article on Heroes and Villains to get them thinking about the traits that define the good guys from the bad.

So far we've read about the Cyclops (they were quite horrified at how he actually ate Odysseus' men; they were quite impressed by Odysseys' wits: telling the Cyclops his name was "Nohbdy" and then strapping his men to the bellies of the sheep to escape), Circe turning his men to swine, Scylla and Charybdis, and Penelope's test of the bow.

When we finish the work, I am thinking of showing O Brother Where Art Thou? to cap the unit.  I used to show the NBC made for TV series, but I can't locate a copy of that to save my soul.  Plus, we had it on actual VHS tape.  ha ha.  How times have changed!

College Comp 2:

We have finished Seth Godin's Linchpin.

Most have bought into Godin's core thesis: that in the knowledge economy, when the tools to create and distribute are virtually free, and, when many traditional jobs where people are simply cogs and show up to perform a standard task that will eventually either be automated or outsourced, in it vital for each worker to make themselves into a linchpin.  Being a linchpin means bringing great value to your role so that if your position is cut, the boss will find another spot for you because you are so vital, or if there isn't another spot available, the competitors will be waiting to scoop you up.

But there are a few that are skeptical.  And that's great.  If a bit frustrating.

I have to remind myself that I am dealing with 17 year olds.  I have to remind myself that they think they have many answers (I'm reminding of Oscar Wilde's quote: "I'm not young enough to know everything.") and that they really have no clue at all.

But trying to tell them that is pointless.

I'm really trying to inform the student/worker they will be five years from now.  And it's frustrating that much of what we're learning isn't going to really come into play until then.

So I have contacted a number of past students and local business owners to get their insights on this.  And all agree: you want to be the linchpin and they're invaluable to a business.

To wrap up this unit, I have students writing a final paper in APA format and then putting together a poster board (think science fair here) and putting them on display.  The point of the poster board is to illustrate how they are linchpins.

The topic for their paper is - write a position statement paper in which you choose ONE of the seven abilities of the Linchpin, beginning on page 218, that you now possess or wish to possess.  As you develop this position statement, write about how you came to develop this Linchpin ability (or how you plan to develop it).  Be specific with your examples.  As you write, keep in mind how you will develop this ability in college and beyond.  Finally, write about how you will use this ability to, ultimately, become indispensable by addressing a problem in your future field of work.

To wrap up this unit, I have students writing a final paper in APA format and then putting together a poster board (think science fair here) and putting them on display.  The point of the poster board is to illustrate how they are linchpins.

Here is the actual assignment sheet:

College Comp 1:

We just finished our persuasive paper unit and now move on to the film review.

For practice, we watched Jaws and analyzed it for theme and film technique.

Today we will begin our film review in earnest with Little Miss Sunshine.

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