Sunday, October 13, 2013

Love this TEDx Talk

I serendipitously discovered this TED Talk via Youtube last night.

1. Who you are?
2. What do you do?  If you need help answering, ask it this way:  What is the one thing right now you  
           feel supremely qualified to teach others?
3. Who you do it for?
4. What those people want and need?
5. How those people change as a result?

The key here is doing something that brings you joy, and, helps others.  After all, three of the above questions have nothing to do with you.  They are about helping or serving others.

Weird huh?

"The most successful people in any field always focus the most on the people they serve."

I love that line.

And it's true.  Every day I wake up eager to go to work.  Why? Well, because of what I do in #2 - I try and change kids' lives. And if I can't change them, I know I impact them . . . for better or worse.

I try to connect with kids.  Once I have that connection, I try to have some fun with them and in that process, I try to take what we study or learn in class and connect it with something personally meaningful in their lives.

I don't always accomplish that, but I always try to.

Now if I lectured for 70 minutes a day, gave bubble tests, and worksheets, I wouldn't feel the same way.

What purpose does that serve?

I try and change the lives of kids', not get through curriculum or chapters.

That's a damn great way to spend my day.  And I earn a living doing that!!

Yet, I know others - who earn more than me - who don't wake up eager to go to work.

Money is great and vital, but it's not enough.

So what are your answers to those five little questions?

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