Friday, September 27, 2013

Come Home From Homecoming

Yesterday we had a mock car crash, first responders, and air lift scenario played out right in front of our entire student body.

It was amazing to see our local ambulance crews, fire fighters, and police in action.  It was also incredible to see the Life Flight helicopter land right at the "crash" scene.  In addition to that, we had the owner of our local ambulance service, Brett Rima, narrating the entire event, which included numerous students as accident victims and teachers as concerned parents arriving on the scene.  It even included a hearse pulling up for the one fatality that was suffered.

I hope the pictures can do justice to the shock and awe that this instilled in our student body.

For me, it hit close to home as I pretty much went through that entire scenario (minus the hears thankfully) when I was involved in a serious car crash two years ago.

The crowd with teachers.

Mr. Rima informs us of the scenario and what to expect.

The accident.  One victim has been ejected.

Local police and state troopers arrive.  The ambulance arrives too.

The intoxicated driver explains the accident.

An officer inspects another vehicle while an accident victim sits down.

Now the fire department arrives.

All the crews are at work.

The mother of one victim arrives.

More first responders, including several of our own students who earn credit through an EMT training class.

Other wounded are treated.

While one occupant screams inside the van, another one is put on a board and taken to the ambulance.

The injured are loaded up.

Life flight from Fargo arrives on the scene.

They are ready to transport the severely injured.

Mr. Rima continues to explain the scenario and each unit's purpose.

The victim is finally removed from the van after fire fighters remove the roof.

The hearse arrives.

The severely injured student is loaded up in the helicopter.

Words to live by from Mr. Rima, "Please don't do this to your parents. Ever."  That is one phone call no one wants to get.

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