Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Great Prezi

Marcus and Ashley, two of my College Comp 2 students, created this Prezi based on one chapter from Steal Like an Artist.


 In addition to the Prezi, Marcus and Ashley gave us homework (how cool is that). To illustrate the point of their chapter, "The Secret: Do Good Work and Share it With People." We have to go out and log on to the wallwisher site below. Then we are to post a video or article that illustrates people doing good work and sharing it.
Now, someone please explain to me, when students can create lessons (of their own by the way) like this, why are we (as teachers) spending our time presenting the knowledge to the students when they could present it to us? And why aren't we going 1:1? Just imagine what we could all do if we all had laptops to work on right now rather than my class using their own laptops and smart phones?

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